1) What is the youngest age allowed? Ten, and they are restricted to 22 rim fire. Must be accompanied by parent. Special exceptions are possible to the age of 8 depending on maturity.
2) What firearms do you recommend to raw novices? Depending on the age, I suggest starting with 22 rim fire rifles and then pistols. Adults can start with smaller center fire guns but I recommend 22's and then transitioning to slightly larger caliber firearms.
3) What is the difference between a FUN SHOOT and a lesson? A lesson is generally dedicated to a specific firearm and is very comprehensive. A Fun Shoot provides enough instruction to safely fire the guns and allows for more actual shooting. It is aimed (pun intended) at filling that "fun quota" for the Sun Valley visitor.
4) What type of firearms do you have? A large selection including 22 pistols and rifles, Glock 9mm hand guns, 38, 357 and 45 caliber revolvers, cowboy action revolvers and rifles, Army style 45's, a "Dirty Harry" 44 Magnum plus military style rifles including AR15's and AK47's.
5) What do I need to bring to the range? Weather related clothing, sturdy shoes and a smile. Loose fitting clothing is not recommended due to the high temperature of ejected brass. All safety gear, targets, firearms and ammo are provided in our packages.
6) When are you open? 365 days of the year by appointment. The more notice the better chance of reserving you first choice time slot. Larger groups may require more notice.
7) How much time should I allow? 1 1/2 to 3 hours depending on group size and package selected. The range is a short 15 minute drive from Sun Valley.
8) What type of targets will we be shooting? Both paper and steel. A large selection of steel targets are available at distances of 20 to 800 yards.